Recruiting Strategies for Success: Maximizing Your Contact Rate

Sep 3, 2024

3 min

Maximizing Your Contact Rate for Recruiting Drivers:Recruiting Strategies for Success

A few weeks ago we made a post regarding Making the Most of Your Marketing Budget where we discussed the importance of utilizing your budget to help you get the most candidates for your money. 

Great, now you have candidates but, what do you do with those candidates to make sure you hire not only the quantity of candidates your business needs but also get the quality of candidates you need? 

Today we are going to discuss the first step you need to help you achieve that, which is actually getting in contact with your leads, so we partnered with Bejay Lieber at Redbone Trucking (UT) to share a few tactics that may help you achieve success in the competitive market of driver recruiting.

  1. Make Multiple Contact Attempts Daily

  2. Extend Your Efforts Over Time

  3. Utilize Multiple Contact Methods

  4. Implement a Consistent Re-engagement Campaign

  5. Prioritize Speed: Contact Candidates Within the First Hour

  6. Allow Scheduling: Offer Candidates the Opportunity to Pick a Time that Works for Them

1. Make Multiple Contact Attempts Daily

Vary your call times to increase your chances of connecting with potential drivers. One example of this is to try and make at least two contact attempts per day at different times. 

For instance, try reaching out in the morning and then again in the late afternoon or early evening. This strategy increases the likelihood of catching the candidate at a time when they’re available and receptive to your message. This is especially important considering the ever-changing and unique schedules most drivers have.

2. Extend Your Efforts Over Time

Be persistent, don’t limit your efforts to a single day or even a few days! Spread out your contact attempts over the course of more than a week. This extended timeline not only shows your commitment to the candidate but also increases the chances of eventually connecting with them at a time that suits them. This method also keeps your name and your opportunity fresh in the candidate's mind.

3. Utilize Multiple Contact Methods

Calls aren’t always enough. In today's digital age, relying on just one method of communication isn’t enough. To maximize your contact rate, use a combination of calls, texts, and emails. Text messages are particularly effective for quick, attention-grabbing communication, while phone calls offer a more personal touch. Emails can be used to provide more detailed information or follow up on previous attempts. Diversifying your approach ensures that you’re covering all bases and reaching candidates in the way that’s most convenient for them.

4. Implement a Consistent Re-engagement Campaign

Even if you lose contact with a candidate, don’t give up. Implement a consistent re-engagement campaign to keep the lines of communication open. This could include periodic follow-up messages, updates on new job opportunities, or even just checking in to see if their situation has changed. The goal is to stay on their radar and be the first recruiter they think of when they’re ready to make a move.

5. Prioritize Speed: Contact Candidates Within the First Hour

This is perhaps the most critical strategy of all and that is to reach out to candidates as quickly as possible. This would ideally be done within the first hour after they’ve shown interest. This immediate response not only sets you apart from the competition but also increases the likelihood of making a connection while the candidate is still actively thinking about their job search. Being the first recruiter to make contact often means you’ll be the first name on the candidate’s mind, giving you a significant advantage.

6. Allow Scheduling: Offer Candidates the Opportunity to Pick a Time that Works for Them

Lately more and more companies are using simple scheduling solutions like Calendly or Google Calendar links to enable drivers to schedule a 15 min slot with the recruiter. These links are a great alternative, as they can be sent over text or email and allow recruiters to share available slots for drivers to select the ones that work best for them. This scheduling method is allowing some carriers to streamline the number of calling attempts, while being accommodative with the driver. 


Maximizing your contact rate in truck driver recruiting requires a combination of persistence, flexibility, and speed. By making multiple contact attempts at different times, extending your efforts over time, using multiple communication methods, maintaining a re-engagement campaign, and prioritizing quick follow-ups, you can ensure that you’re consistently connecting with top talent. In a competitive market, these strategies will not only increase your contact rate but also position you as the recruiter who goes above and beyond to secure the best candidates.

How We Can Help

Double Nickel can further these strategies by helping you save time using our unique tools such as our automated dialer, customizable text campaigns, and driver overview tools to help you make time to be the top job on a driver's mind. If you would like to learn more about these tools or what we have to offer, book a demo here!