Case Study: Redbone Trucking's Success with Double Nickel

Jul 30, 2024

5 min


Redbone Trucking, a mid-sized trucking company, manages a fleet of over 200 drivers, with a monthly hiring rate of approximately 12 to 14 new drivers. Bejay, the Recruiting Director at Redbone Trucking, oversees the company's recruiting, marketing, and safety operations. In the highly competitive and regulated trucking industry, Redbone Trucking needed a more efficient and effective way to recruit and manage CDL drivers.

Starting Point: The Challenges

Before transitioning to Double Nickel, Redbone Trucking was facing significant challenges with their previous Applicant Tracking System (ATS). The limitations of the old system were causing operational inefficiencies and impacting their ability to hire drivers. Bejay outlined several key issues:

  1. Application Process Inefficiencies: The application process was cumbersome and not user-friendly. "There were a few big things that led to a lot of slowdowns with getting applicants processed," Bejay noted.

  2. Communication Issues: Redbone faced challenges in maintaining consistent communication with drivers. "They could send and receive texts from one number, but they couldn't call that number," Bejay said.

  3. Lack of Support and Customization: Redbone had limited leverage to demand changes or enhancements to the system due to their size. "We were really not able to get much support from our previous ATS provider," Bejay explained.

Achievements and Business Implications

As Redbone Trucking was exploring alternatives to their current ATS, they saw great potential in Double Nickel. Earlier in the year they decided to move forward with Double Nickel , and the results have been transformative.

  1. Improved Application Completion Rate by 17pp: One of the most notable achievements has been the increase in the application completion rate. "Our application completion rate was sitting just around 33 percent with our old ATS, and currently in Double Nickel, it is very close to 50 percent," Bejay highlighted. This nearly 20 percent point increase has translated into a higher number of qualified applicants moving through the hiring pipeline, enabling Redbone to hit their hiring goals with fewer leads and lower ad spend per hire.

  2. Reduced outbound effort by 3hs / day per recruiter: The integration of a power dialer system within Double Nickel has significantly improved communication efficiency. Bejay described the impact: "Before we had moved to any sort of dialer system, our average call time was trending a little above three minutes per call. With the dialer system, we brought it down to just one minute without needing to sacrifice our ability to build rapport with those drivers." This enhancement has reduced the time the team spends working the phones from 5 hours a day to less than 2 hours a day by recruiter, allowing them to focus on higher-value tasks such as background checks and employment verifications.

  3. Enhanced User Experience: The user-friendly interface of Double Nickel has been well-received by both recruiters and drivers. "I’ve been pleasantly surprised by how easy it is to interact with on both sides. It’s really easy for the drivers to fill out their applications and get things processed," Bejay noted. This positive experience helps maintain driver engagement and reduces the likelihood of applicants abandoning the process.

Support and Collaboration

As per Redbone's initial worries around data migration and support, they have been positively surprised by Double Nickel’s performance in these areas.

  1. Data Migration: Bejay calls out the the support Double Nickel provided around the data conversion as an instrumental piece of their successful transition. "The transfer of data handled by your team also alleviated a lot of my concerns." The smooth migration ensured that all critical information was accurately transferred, maintaining continuity in operations and compliance.

  2. Customer Support: The responsiveness of Double Nickel's customer service has been a standout feature. "I have had nothing but positives to say about the support we’ve received. The responsiveness and quick resolution of issues have been incredible," Bejay stated. This level of support ensures that any challenges are promptly addressed, minimizing disruptions and maintaining operational efficiency.

Furthermore, Bejay emphasized the close collaboration on the product development and how it has helped address Redbone’s specific needs and resulted in a more efficient and effective recruiting process. "Being able to be hands-on in the development of the program has been a great experience. Giving feedback and working directly with the founders to evolve the product gives me peace of mind," Bejay noted.


Redbone Trucking's partnership with Double Nickel has yielded significant improvements in their recruiting processes and overall business performance. By addressing key challenges, enhancing communication, and providing exceptional support, Double Nickel has enabled Redbone to achieve higher application completion rates, reduce lead-to-hire ratios, and improve overall efficiency. As Redbone continues to grow and evolve, their collaboration with Double Nickel will play a crucial role in maintaining their competitive edge and achieving their business objectives.