Recruiting Strategies for Success: Keeping Driver Candidates Engaged Throughout the Qualification Process

Sep 19, 2024

4 min

At the beginning of this month we made an article regarding maximizing your contact rate where we went over best practices to ensure you got in contact with the leads in your pipeline, now that we have gotten them on the phone and (hopefully) gotten them to complete a full DOT application we need to know how to keep them engaged during their qualification process until their date of hire. That way you won’t end up losing a qualified driver that you have already spent considerable amounts of money to get to that point. This can be challenging as the qualification process while recruiting drivers can be lengthy and uncertain. During this time it is easy to lose their interest causing them to look elsewhere for employment, so keeping driver candidates engaged is crucial to ensure they stay interested and ultimately accept the job offer. A clear and proactive communication strategy helps create a smooth candidate experience, reducing the chances of losing qualified drivers. Here’s how you can keep driver candidates engaged by focusing on regular communication, transparency, preparation, and realistic timelines.

1.Touch Base with Candidates Daily

Reaching out to candidates regularly shows them that you are genuinely interested in their application. A simple phone call, email, or text message can reassure them that they are still being considered for the position. Regular updates keep candidates from feeling forgotten and demonstrate that you’re actively engaged in the process. Even if there are no significant updates, touching base with a quick note to let them know where things stand can go a long way in building trust and keeping them motivated.

2.Keep Candidates In The Loop

Transparency is key to keeping candidates engaged. Providing candidates with a clear picture of where they are in the process and what you have completed versus what you are still waiting on is essential. When candidates know what to expect at each stage, they are more likely to remain patient and cooperative. This transparency fosters a sense of partnership, showing them that you value their time and effort as much as they do yours.

3.Look Ahead To Minimize Time Wasted

Another effective way to keep candidates involved is to let them know early on what they need to do to move forward. If there are specific appointments, tests, or certifications they need to complete, inform them as soon as possible. This gives both parties the ability to schedule necessary steps quickly, ensuring the process moves smoothly. Providing candidates with a checklist of required tasks empowers them to take action, preventing unnecessary delays and keeping the momentum going.

4.Set Realistic Timelines

Lastly, it's crucial to give estimated timelines that are realistic and reasonable. Overpromising on timelines can lead to disappointment and frustration, potentially driving candidates away. Instead, provide timeframes that are achievable, even if they seem a bit conservative. Candidates appreciate honesty, and by setting reasonable expectations, you build credibility. If there are delays, communicate them promptly with a revised timeline. This honesty goes a long way in maintaining the candidate's interest and trust throughout the process.


Keeping Candidates engaged through the qualification process can help you avoid missing out on qualified drivers helping you keep your trucks filled. All it takes is transparency and consistency to make sure the drivers keep you at the top of their list to work for. By implementing these steps, you create a more structured and positive experience for your driver candidates, increasing the likelihood of successful hires.

How We Can Help

Double Nickel can enhance these processes through our many tools such as an easy to read qualification checklist and driver overview, as well as an automated dialer and formatted texting system to help save you time when following up with your candidates. If you want to see how these tools can benefit you, book a demo today!